Saturday, May 26, 2001

Saturday 26th May 2001
First a BIG thanks to Jason for handling the 'Blogger crisis' of failed T1 connections. It's so easy for all us
'free bloggers' to get grumpy and that, forgetting that we receive a free service and that this service
involves a lot of work...and more recently headaches I guess....for those who run the service.
Thanks, team, for all your efforts.
All of this reminds me of some of the horrendous problems faced when dealing with 'logically authoritative'
computers and programs. In the old DOS days (at which I was fairly useless), dots, commas, colons and
such were vitally important. So, I guess, today with HTML,DHTML and VRML, many other symbols
are vital.
Who said 'little things mean a lot' ?
It all kind of reminds me of the concept into reality scenario: the 'you can be anything you want to be scene:
'we are a big creation machine' idea.
Today I was reading all about concepts into realities when I read about Ribosomes. Little things, about
one millionth of an inch in size and something like 10,000 of them in every human cell. These are the little things
that translate the concept of flesh into the reality of flesh.
They are quite incredible 'factories'.
So, next time any of us get the negative idea that we cannot make 'matter' out of thin air....let's remember
our Ribosomes, hehehe. We are doing it all the time, it's just we don't think about it, we maybe haven't
been aware of it.
The interrelationship between Love, creativity and consciousness(awareness) is so easy to see...
if we got that 'in-sight'.
Take a look at your Ribosomes if you don't believe me, hehehehehehe
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Thursday, May 24, 2001

23rd May 2001

I am fortunate to live in a place where the sounds of only the nature speak to me most of the time.
At night there are no street lights nor are there many house in the area, so that only the natural light
colours within the boundaries of my vision.
I have reached the conclusion that one of the major reasons for so much emotional and mental distress within society
today is quite simply....the absence of silence. I cannot think that any other period in the history of humanity
has witnessed such an onslaught of sound as is witnessed in our modern societies. We have become accustomed
to a concept of 'boredom' if our neurons are not constantly being stimulated by some 'entertainment' or other.
When did you last hear the 'sound of silence?'
When were you last able to simply stand and watch yourself walk by in the stillness?
When were you last able to enjoy the peace and tranquility that were designed into the natural order
of our existing so that we may revitalise our cells and our energies?
When were you last able to be alone with yourself, in the silence, and like the company you kept?
In a world seemingly obsessed with noise and societies apparently occupied with creating more problems
than they appear able to resolve... two things occur to me in the beauty of this tranquility with which I am
1. The preciousness of stillness.
2. That a problem is simply a solution awaiting it's time of birth.
For how can we think about something unless our brains have already started to 'encompass' the concept?
If that is true, then we have already started to formulate the answer (subject to adequate knowledge).
If that is true, it is only to await the birth.

Our problem is not the problem, but our perception of it. For our perception is predominantly subjective.
Were our perception objective, then...we would indulge in the tranquility of acceptance.
Acceptance isn't easy when it doesn't involve what we think we want as an answer...
but isn't what we think we want only a question of perception?

Looking at the raindrop from a different viewpoint often reveals the rainbow or the diamond
within the raindrop, huh?

There always is a rainbow within as there is always, always a hidden blessing in absolutely
every life circumstance....... huh?

Maybe it's not always what we think we want.....but, is it what we need?

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Wednesday, May 23, 2001

Wednesday 23rd May
If you could empathise with, understand or relate to the last post.....
then the truth of it is self evident :)
If you hated it....then hate being the opposite polarity of love simply evidences the truth of it.
got it?
If it didn't touch you at all....good! You have a wonderfully beautiful awakening coming to you :)
Soon, always, the spring comes to everything and everyone,
it is the pattern of existence.
It is such a splendid pattern: miraculous for it's variety: admirable for it's reliability:
awesome in it's simplicity.
Now, don't that sound like Love as well?
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Tuesday 22nd May 2001
It is an incredible experience...this living, this "being within this reality" experience.
Surrounded by countless, countless aspects of creativity we are, each one of us, beholding each image, each second in a consciousness, that is beyond imaginings. It is not an imagining but rather a realising, an awareness, a recognition of the interdependence of all life. An awareness that recognises that even in the recognising we are an integral and important aspect of this creativeness which is, in itself, the multitudinous expression of the Oneness.
Even one cloud is a compilation of billions of vapourising droplets each an integral part of the whole.What is a lake without all it's droplets or a tree without it's leaves? All is the Oneness - A visible, tangible expression of the process we call life: itself a visible tangible expression of a thing, a core concept, that we call love. Love is all there is and everything, every thing, is a symbiotic expression of love.
I should write, in all humility, that I do not know what love is...but can list many things that it is not. This would not be true.
Love is the wonder, the amazingly concentrated awareness, that all, all is an aspect of the Oneness. We cannot behold beauty unless we hold it already within us. We cannot behold love, nor experience it, unless we hold it already within us. When we love another, we experience the expanding awareness of ourselves. It is neither reflection nor mirror. It is a growing, a budding, a flowering...a Spring.... of awareness, of recognition, of sensitivity to the interdependence of the many-aspected Oneness.
Love is You when you can find in another the reasons to express your lovingness: Love is YOU when you can see in the world the reasons to express your delight in the perfection of the process.
Love is not selfish, that's an obvious statement, but neither is it selfless. Indeed, Love requires both of these polarities in order to create. For what would the living experience be without the possibility and probability of creating? Nor is Love subserviant or dominant, for Love does not need such symmetries of logic or emotion.
In the humility and respectfulness of creativity Love expands the universe.
In the knowingness of your own creativity Love is expanding within's already there...and simply expands.
It's all around, inside, above,below.
"I wanna know what love is....I want you to show me" said the pop song. Here's the punch line: I can show you it all, but you will never recognise what you see unless you already have the vision within.
The 'in-sight'.
Guess what?
We all have :)
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Sunday, May 20, 2001

After a couple of days of indifferent weather we are now back to a brilliant blue-sky'd morning here this Sunday morning.
The flood of green has continued unassuaged, even encouraged, as a result of the rain of the past 3 days. But this morning
we are assaulted by the dancing reflections of a strong sun over the gently rippling waters of the lake.
The Apple trees and Cherry trees have now started in greenleaf production and the Lilacs are well advanced with their pyramids cone clusters of bud promised blossom. Some smaller bushes have already started in flower and the Peonies are coming along nicely.
So, it's all set for the idyllic spring floral extravaganza which should occur in about 10-14 days.
Still no sign of the 'forest accountant', my little friend the Squirrel and no profound signs of the Beaver.
Maybe I'll 'blog again later as I've a little to catch up, having missed a couple of days.
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