Wednesday, August 08, 2018


I am simply an observer, a lover of Sweden.
It seems to me a crisis point is close in Sweden-a watershed moment that decides what kind of society Sweden will be in the future in a way that has never been decided before.

In such a moment, a wise government leads and does not follow public opinion.Clearly, the move by S to more 'right wing policies on immigration' has substantially weakened their supporter base.Many former S supporters cannot equate Olof Palme's words on immigration to what has been happening to all who answered the invitation issued prior to 24 Nov 2015 and whom Sweden has subjected to bedrageri(a politicised judiciary), emotional and psychological torture. 

So, I ask this S party of 2018, what have you got to lose by taking a principled  position (and standing by the Swedish invitation) and announcing an amnesty? Do you think such a decision will cost you more voters or gain back voters who have deserted you? 

Do you not now, as you did in 2016, think that cutting foreign aid budget payments abroad and spending it at home is not a smart policy? Didn't this 'spend at home' produce major benefits to the economy in 2015/6/7 (as stated by IMF, OECD,Bloombergs) 

You have successfully stemmed the flood of immigrants to controllable levels (2017 being the lowest for 12 years) having dealt with the 2014/2015 surge that resulted from 'Open Heart' and 'Refugees welcome' speeches by 2 Swedish Prime Ministers (1 from M, 1 from S), but your insistence that Afghanistan is a 'safe' place is a PR disaster. It is costing you your own support base.

Clearly your 'marketing policy' has not enhanced your chances at the next election. It is in your hands to so crystalize the arguments as to lead Sweden forward into a re-awakening of traditional Swedish values of fairness and true justice. And, frankly, it doesn't look like you have anything to lose by doing so, according to recent opinion polls.

Pleeeez, lead...don't follow !


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