So where has the blog been? Well, it's a Sweden blog soI've been out doing some research..hehehehe.
Our nephew's confirmation was the occasion for a 1260 kmsdrive, mostly through Sweden, to Saltdal in Norway. We
managed the journey - including repair stops and food stops etc. - in 21 hours. We were accompanied by 3 other
english visitors,being some of my family from the UK.
WOW. This land is sooooooo boooootiful
I have now travelled all the way to the South of Sweden andquite a long way North and continue to be amazed at the
outstanding, tranquil beauty of it all. Lovely small towns,even beautiful big towns, forests and lakes,forests and lakes
..... it just keeps on. You could think that it would be boringafter a while, but not so. Even the differing forest areas
have their own character and personality and my brotherwas in awe of the empty roads with so little traffic. It got so
that we were more likely to see another lake than anothercar,heheheh
The further north we journeyed the less the spring hadarived, so this year I got 3 springs...1 at home here in Dalsland,
1 up in the north and another in Norway around the amazingJunkerdal area.
When I lived in the UK it took a Norwegian visitor to acquaintme with a 'war museum' in my local old town - Chester - that I had
never known was there. I wonder if Swedes really have acomprehension of the staggering enormity of the beauty ofthis land ?