Tuesday, July 13, 2010



via and here is part of it

Monday, July 12, 2010

sunny morning


and the forecast from foreca.se says it will be a good one today

Sunday, July 11, 2010

F1 – still Lewis leading world Championship

F1 standings Brit GP

What a truly remarkable race…LH still leading Championship, Jenson Button started in 14th and ended up 4th

in the race result:

F1 resultBrit GP

and Mark Webber, you may recall was flying through the air at Valencia,


ended up winning the race in magnificent style. How do you manage to race again after an incident like that…not only race, but WIN.


Hats off to the young German Vettel also, who virtually had to start again after a puncture put him from the from top the field to the back of the field… but still finishing 7th.


(Just now and then I am allowed to put something in this blog that has nothing to do with Sweden. You usually find it has everything to do with Lewis Hamilton and/or F1)

oh, this was yesterday…..



Sweden Monsoon season---1

Almost right on schedule with the weather forecast from foreca.se  in came the thunder storm and rain heralding the start of what I call the 'swedish monsoon season'.  Nature, in it's wisdom, decides it's time to water the land so the flowers, trees, crops, berries, etc. can have some refreshment.

It's always so amazing and a puzzle to see if the winds circle round the lake keeping the electric storm in the area or if they just blow it away. The first storm just blew away after starting with amazing heavy rain.




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