Not so different from the rest of the West. It will be interesting to see what Sweden does about it….it may prove
(as with other aspects in society) that Sweden will give some lessons to the world
Not so different from the rest of the West. It will be interesting to see what Sweden does about it….it may prove
(as with other aspects in society) that Sweden will give some lessons to the world
Over 10,000+ Rainbow Salmon escaped from the fish farm in Vestre Silen lake a little
over 2 weeks ago.
Needless to say, it brought out the fishermen who have been having a bonanza.
The more they take, the better it is for the indiginous fish population in the
Dalsland Lake system.(clicking on the pictures gives you a larger picture)
For those interested these shots were taken with my Fuji HS10 I bought last year
(a little over SeK 3000,-) with it's built in 30x optic zoom.
The picture sequence is from my kitchen window looking out across the lake.
Here's the real close-up: