Friday, February 02, 2018

asylumscandal, Sweden, deportations, refoulement, non-refoulement

non-refoulement refers to the generic repatriation of people, including refugees into war zones and other disaster locales.


kabul 2km header

click the pic to go to the video

Even allowing for the fact that Pakistan may have it’s own agenda for Afghanistan, this does not change the fact of a highly insecure situation.

Pakistan's former Foreign Minister, Hina Rabbani talks about Kabul/Afghanistan 'safety' in the video. In the light of this kind of data,

how can Sweden practice REFOULEMENT - even with 14 year olds?

Does anyone seriously believe that this war situation is going to improve in the forseeable future?

stay warm

stormy doubts

Thursday, February 01, 2018

money talks

It is said ‘people vote with their feet’

It is also said ‘put your money where your mouth is.’

Well, Swedes do vote in high numbers – and they put their money where their heart is.

So in the issue of costs for helping young asylum seekers, it is worth bearing in mind

the following figures from 2015 ( 2017 (radiosweden)

This is the voice of the people

record charity Swedenswedes donate Radio sweden

helping a friend

I accept it may be possible that one or two Swedes may have the question,

 “ You are an Englishman, what has this asylum problem got to do with you?’

That’s a fair question.

So first let me observe that it is often possible when in another land to take a more objective view

than the population can or is willing to take. I see England very differently now having lived in

Scandinavia for 30 years

Then I would respectfully point out that I have been an admirer of Sweden for decades,

as any read of earlier comments in this blog – now running for 16 years – will show.

So I am not being disrespectful to Sweden.

Lastly, if you see a dear friend doing something that is harmful to them….would you say nothing?

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

childrens story

tell a child

safe is a relative term

The latest security research on 'safe areas' of Afghanistan. By any measure a 70% 'unsafe area' of any country would be regarded by any objective observer as a country at war. For example, in WW2, how much of England was considered 'safe' ? (England-population 1939: 48 Million. Evacuated to safe areas less than 1.5 million)

70% unsafe

cherry picking laws

pnr rules complaint

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

not even safe in Kabul? really?

Jag tror att migrationsverket kommer att kosta S nästa val. För många S-supportrar är upprörda av denna fläck på Sveriges rykte för rättvisa

So I guess it’s thanks to the Taliban and ISIS that these young people may (may…for it is only to wait to the next attempt of REFOULEMENT) be able to stay in safety.

(I think the Migration Board will cost S the next election. Too many S-supporters are upset by this spot on Sweden's reputation for justice).

P4 stopped deportations


justice dies


click the pic to go to the article

The ‘court’ did not think Ghazni a dangerous area…perhaps they need  some better information, so here you are: links to Ghazni reports

more here about ISIS,Hazaras and Ghazni


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