Friday, March 13, 2009

Those nice Vikings did a lot for us

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle’s entry for the year says that the raiders made “lamentable havoc in the church of God in Holy-island, by rapine and slaughter”, fixing the popular image of the Vikings for the next 1,200 years. New evidence suggests that many of the Norse invaders were in fact model immigrants.

Historians will try to redress the balance today at a conference at the University of Cambridge and show that the Vikings who settled in Britain and Ireland were technologically sophisticated, swapped ideas and often lived in relative harmony with Anglo-Saxons and Celts.


FULL ARTICLE from Times Online


Anyone who knows me has heard me talking about the advancements in England that came as a result of the Viking invasion.Not least they have heard from me that Viking women in England 1,000 years ago could own their own property. This right disappeared (I think in the Middle Ages) and did not return until....the 1956 Married Women's Property Act.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Snowing again - so beautiful


Arne Johansson

daredevil swede

What is known is that Arne originally came from Malmö and before 1962 he held a Stockholm address.
He is also linked to Norrköping, where it is thought that the Starmen originated, and for some time he worked

as a porter at the Norrtälje Stadshotell, north of Stockholm.

The hope that someone in Sweden who knew Arne or the Starmen may be able to provide them with

some clues about the daredevil’s life after they lost contact with him.

full article in The Local  HERE


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