Yeah, you’ve heard it!
What they probably haven’t heard is that essentially what has happened is that money which previously was spent abroad (often in very corrupt countries) is now being spent here in Sweden. To a substantial benefit here in Sweden. Payments to Kommunes, lower unemployment, payment to lawyers, courts, back up services, more domestic expenditure for service supply businesses toe enjoy….
So the asylum seeker scenario diverted money that otherwise went abroad … the home economy.
fra SIDA website
fra SIDA website fra SIDA website
Essentially, Swedish taxpayers were already spending this money….but now they could really see where it was being spent.
So I have a very simply question to ask SD…….this was really a bad thing to do, huh, spend this money at home ?
For this we get (mainly) young people to support our society.Young people with a desire to be educated. Young people who want peace,justice,democracy in their lives. You know, people who want to be as we are, comfortable, peaceful and building a life worth living.
see also:
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