Saturday, December 15, 2018
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
join facebook group?
If you have an interest to join the facebook group dealing with the scandal of young Afghan Asylum seekers, who came at the invitation of 2 Swedish Prime Ministers - and most of which are now homeless, penniless and despite decades of promises from Sweden about Non-Refoulement - now live in fear of deportation to the war zone hell that is Afghanistan today.
You can join here:
You can join here:
Monday, December 10, 2018
3rd world 3rd rate product.
My disappointment with Sweden’s Migration Agency
Is not based on humanitarian reasons - though I have thousands of those!
My disgust with Sweden is based on the following:
1. Sweden has politicised courts.Don’t just take my word for it - take the words of your own Constitutional Committee chaired by Andreas Norlen.What modern western democracy does not have an independent judiciary ?
2. 2 Swedish Prime Ministers (Reinfeldt + Lovfen) made a verbal contract- well reported in the world media - a contract they did not change until November 2015.This contract invited refugees to come to Sweden. Deporting young Afghans who accepted this invitation is a disgrace and casts serious doubts upon the integrity of Sweden.
3. The Migration Agency,paid with taxpayer money,refuses to accept what the whole world understands - Afghanistan is in a state of war and no place is safe.This attitude makes a mockery of any concept that Sweden lives in the real world.
4. Sweden pays out massive sums in foreign aid, yet when Sweden pulled back some of this money in 2016 to spend at home to deal with the refugee influx created by the Prime Minister invitations, it was of enormous benefit to the Swedish economy.Spending the aid money at home was a good pre-election policy.Now you give away so much money in foreign aid that you cannot even control where it is spent (Sida) yet you try to tell the taxpayer that asylum seekers are expensive.
5. Sweden dare not even keep proper records of what happens in these politicised courts.It is to be hoped that your own Swedish children do not also have to face such a system, because then you will be angry enough to protest in the streets.
6. For decades Sweden has promised the world it would not practice the forced return of a refugee to a place where the refugee has real reason to fear for their life and safety. For decades Sweden has promised this.For decades your taxpayer money has been used for this purpose, supporting this promise. Has all that taxpayer money been wasted?All that investment in Swedish decency been for nothing?
The young Afghan asylum seekers have done the Swedish taxpayer a BIG service. Their suffering at the hands of a callous and distorted system shows the Swedish taxpayer exactly what they are getting for their tax money - and it is a 3rd world 3rd rate product.
So, put to one side (if you really can) the humanitarian aspects of this appalling scenario - and just think of yourselves. Are these poor standards what you expect for your tax money?
Did you know your tax money pays wages to people who cannot even measure someone’s height properly (but makes them 10 cms taller).
Did you know your tax money pays all the court officials to sit in a court where the decision appears to have been taken even before the court sits? The ‘court’ is simply a PR job so you can think everything is ’legal’ but a system you would not want your own son or daughter to have to face.
Did you know your tax money pays the wages of someone who sits in a comfortable office and makes decisions without any reference to the facts of a case - and their ill chosen decisions costs the lives of so many young people who have committed suicide on Swedish soil, rather than be returned to hell? Your tax money paid for this !
So, put to one side (if you really can) the humanitarian aspects of this appalling scenario - and just think of yourselves. Are these poor standards what you expect for your tax money?
Thursday, November 08, 2018
Understanding outrage
I have been appalled by the discoveries I have made in the last 18 months concerning the politicised courts who disregard the Swedish Constitutional Rules for Court Procedures (1999)and the unregulated and uncontrolled activities of the Swedish Migration Agency who seem to be able to function with unqualified opinions,accusations and innuendo (with no evidence) - especially in respect of unaccompanied under 18 Afghan children.
Little wonder that some young people prefer suicide to being deported having endured the betrayal of their hopes by a nation that claims to be moral, ethical and following the 'rule of law'. Pretend justice is not justice !
The irregularities are such as to cause outrage, undiluted outrage that a nation such as Sweden, with it's long history of defending human rights and it's 'Open Hearts' attitude (Prime Minister Reinfeldt, 2014) and it's 'Refugees Welcome' (Prime Minister Lovfen, 2015) has descended to such debased methodologies as are currently employed. Such methodologies are an insult to the decent people of Sweden (the large majority) and an offence to any civilised western nation.
Despite decades of promising it would not practice REFOULEMENT (the forcible return of an asylum seeker to their land of origin, even though the asylum seeker has justifiable reasons to fear for life and limb upon return),Sweden is doing just that.Even with children under 14 years of age, orphans! This is especially outrageous when it is an under 18 - someone who has spent 2 years being 'westernised' in Sweden and now they are past 18 and have served their economic purpose in Sweden (redirecting foreign aid money to boost the domestic economy) decisions are taken to return them to Afghanistan. With over 40% unemployment in Afghanistan and dire poverty in places like Kabul, what chance do you think such young people have of being accepted back into Afghanistan culture? Most are Hazara - Hazara - who fought with the west against the Taliban after 911 - a fight that has rendered them hated and disliked in many areas of Afghanistan and prime targets for revenge.An examination of civilian casualties in bomb and terrorist attacks reveals a startling fact - most attacks are against Hazara communities !.
Such decisions are based upon a delusional premise that 'areas of Afghanistan' are safe..although most of the rest of the world accepts that Afghanistan has been - and will continue to be for the foreseeable future - a war zone. This 'safe categorisation' makes Sweden a laughing stock in the world !
The problems of Afghanistan go beyond simply being a war zone. Corruption, drug addiction,is rife...and land mines kill enormous amounts of innocent civilians. Additionally, acute water shortage problems add to the distress of innocents.
If you would really like to understand my outrage - the outrage of someone who for decades has loved Sweden and all it stood for - then you should watch the enclosed video. Simply click on the link below the picture to go to the video.
If you wish to challenge any of the statements made here and the factual bases/database references
on which the comments are made please email me at the address shown below in this blog. Indicate if you are willing to have your email quoted - in full -on this blog (but not your email address) and your first name will be used as an identifier. I will publish your email here and my factual reply as long as your comments are respectful and 'clean language'. (if you write in Swedish I will translate with Google and send you a copy of the translation before I publish your comments).
Sunday, October 07, 2018
Tuesday, October 02, 2018
3rd world 2018 ?
It is to be hoped the present speaker of the Riksdag,(Parliament in Sweden)
does not forget these words
Prime Ministers of Sweden have stated that deportation decisions are made by the Migration Agency and the courts.
In other words, an agency rife with errors, incompetence and fraud
courts that are not courts in any normal accepted
use of that term in a modern western democracy.
If you think these are just my words,
then know that a unanimous Constitutional Committee
chaired by (I believe) the new Speaker of the Riksdag
Andreas Norlen
say the same earlier this year
about the court system in Sweden
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Thursday, September 20, 2018
The assassination of...the 'Rule of Law' in Sweden
The Swedish Migration Agency,this week, issued a statement confirming their “legal view that there are ‘safe’ areas in Afghanistan” to which young asylum seekers (who came here at the invitation of 2 Swedish Prime Ministers) can be deported.This is in clear opposition to masses of expert opinion and reports which clearly show that a war has been raging in Afghanistan for many years and the escalation of civilian casualties has never, even at the height of American troop presence in the tens of thousands, been as high as these last 3 years. This data is from a Swedish reasearch (click here)
Deportations on these terms are usually known as ‘Refoulement’ and are contrary to conventions agreed and signed by Sweden over many, many decades.
Much is made in the corridors of power of the ‘legality’ of what is done. The Rule of Law is paramount is the prime argument.
What, however, is the situation when that ‘rule of law’ contradicts existing laws or when that ‘quoted law’ does not meet the required standards of juris prudence in a modern western democracy? What is the situation when that ‘law’ is obtained illegally, illegally as defined by all normally accepted definitions of independent judiciary?
Justice and democracy require a number of basic foundations. The first of these foundations in a modern western democracy is - an Independent Judiciary. That means a judiciary that is free from political interference and influence. There are enough Swedish academic reports which illustrate the ‘politicisation of the courts’ here in Sweden
A second foundation is that old saying,’Justice shall not only be done, it must be seen to be done’. In other words, transparency. A ‘court’ where a full verbatim transcript is NOT made and NOT available fails to meet the requirement of transparency and denies to the defendant any meaningful route to appeal. In other words, no checks are built into the system to allow for proper legal control and censure of actions by a Government or Government Department that would otherwise be regarded as ‘Contempt of Court’ in a normal legal system.
In such a scenario there is NO RULE OF LAW. There is ‘pretend justice’.A ‘potatismos’ law is not a law, it just looks like one!
I am not here discussing IMMIGRATION POLITICS.
I am discussing the failure of Sweden - a modern western democracy with a PR reputation of being humanitarian and just - to correct the situation endemic in some areas of ‘law enforcement’ that fail to meet the basic fundamental criteria of justice.
The ‘rule of law’ fails when that ‘law’ does not meet the required standards. This can be easily illustrated by the confusion and dissent caused from a law this year, commonly known as the ‘gymnasie law’.
That the ‘rule of law’ is prostituted and debased by ‘Migration Courts’ that are both politicised and contradict Sweden’s own ‘Rules for Court Procedures’ (1999) is a betrayal of the requirements of a modern democracy.
As Gandhi said, ‘ there are unjust laws as there are unjust men’.
Well, I would ask Swedes to ask themselves a very simple couple of questions:
1. When Swedish young people in our schools hear and learn of what is happening is so-called courts, how much respect do you think they carry for the rest of their life for ‘the rule of law’?
2. At what point can you trust any government enough to allow for the ‘rule of law’ and the ‘modern concepts of justice’ to be surrendered? Law,Justice, are the citizens only guarantee of freedom.
As one of the most respected Think Tanks in the world has stated:
“For the Rule of Law to be present, good laws are required,not just strict adherence to government enforcement of bad laws”.
Cato Institute
And in respect of Immigration Law, the Cato Institute observes as follows:
There is clearly adequate evidence from reputable Swedish sources that support the view that the present system does NOT meet these requirements but,indeed, falls so short of them as to be directly and fairly comparable to systems in some 3rd world countries or systems extant in Europe 80 years ago.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
The destruction of democracy
Watching Sweden wriggle and squirm under the burden of trying to get out of promises made, invitations given. is a very sick experience for a non-swede like me who has previously believed in the excellence of Sweden.
I cannot imagine how real Swedes feel about it.It must be devastating to realise what a hypocritical scenario they have been living under for many years.
Not least to realise what a sham,fake,the 'legal system' is that they had thought was so civilised. The myth of a fair and just legal system has been blown apart with Swedish reports of 'politicised courts' and adequate and growing volumes of evidence of serious failings in the administration of Court Procedure rules.
The failure to give Amnesty to young people from Afghanistan that Sweden invited here with 'open heart' and 'refugees welcome' speeches is not simply wrecking the lives of young people who believed what Sweden said - it is destroying the very fabric of trust on which Swedish society was built.
The price Sweden is paying for this Machiavellian absurdity is high and will be far reaching, affecting generations to come in Sweden. It is a Brutus dagger into the heart of democratic values.
I cannot imagine how real Swedes feel about it.It must be devastating to realise what a hypocritical scenario they have been living under for many years.
Not least to realise what a sham,fake,the 'legal system' is that they had thought was so civilised. The myth of a fair and just legal system has been blown apart with Swedish reports of 'politicised courts' and adequate and growing volumes of evidence of serious failings in the administration of Court Procedure rules.
The failure to give Amnesty to young people from Afghanistan that Sweden invited here with 'open heart' and 'refugees welcome' speeches is not simply wrecking the lives of young people who believed what Sweden said - it is destroying the very fabric of trust on which Swedish society was built.
The price Sweden is paying for this Machiavellian absurdity is high and will be far reaching, affecting generations to come in Sweden. It is a Brutus dagger into the heart of democratic values.
Friday, September 07, 2018
Have you no decency,Sweden?
Totally, totally heartbreaking to see the suffering of these children and the family cost in deaths in this endless, endless,endless war.
There is no way Sweden cannot suffer in the world of public opinion with this head in the sand attitude that Afghanistan is 'safe'.
In the name of all that is decent in Sweden, in the name of all that is honourable in Sweden, it is time to declare Amnesty for all who believed your promise that you had open hearts and refugees were welcome (before you changed your mind in Nov 2015).
For goodness sake, for Sweden's sake, end the torture of those you rejected in your sham courts !
Do they not already bear in their young lives enough sadness and grief when they see what is happening to the country they fled? Must we continue the torture of threatened deportation and denial of basic human rights - simply because they believed what we said when we invited them here?

see the CNN video here:
There is no way Sweden cannot suffer in the world of public opinion with this head in the sand attitude that Afghanistan is 'safe'.
In the name of all that is decent in Sweden, in the name of all that is honourable in Sweden, it is time to declare Amnesty for all who believed your promise that you had open hearts and refugees were welcome (before you changed your mind in Nov 2015).
For goodness sake, for Sweden's sake, end the torture of those you rejected in your sham courts !
Do they not already bear in their young lives enough sadness and grief when they see what is happening to the country they fled? Must we continue the torture of threatened deportation and denial of basic human rights - simply because they believed what we said when we invited them here?
Tuesday, September 04, 2018
The stealth of the political chameleon
I love this land.
I love this people.
I post this out of love for a Sweden I had admired for most of my life (I'm 73).
I post this with a deep sadness and longing for a Sweden that is worthy of respect again.
The 'asylum scandal' has revealed major shortcomings in the legal processes within Sweden.
As far as this writer can see, no political party, no main media outlet, no one in the Ministry of Justice...has yet had the courage and integrity to bring this to the attention of Swedish citizens.
(all statements I make here can be supported with reports and statistics from reputable academic and/or legal sources. Try me.There's an email address at the bottom of this blog page)
Monday, September 03, 2018
The fall of a once proud and honourable nation
Certainly the 'Migration Courts' seem to be on the same level as Taliban courts. Think I'm being unfair, then check these examples out: (look under pretend Justice)
Thursday, August 30, 2018
The real cost of asylum seekers from Afghanistan
Such blatant dishonesty should cause anger amongst Swedish Taxpayers.
Who are these incompetent people in Migrationsverket who cannot:-
1.measure somebody correctly -
2. spell their name correctly -
3.try to tell us against all other factual evidence that Afghanistan is a safe place to return young people who came to Sweden at the invitation of the Swedish State?
There should be an inquiry into these abuses - and,NO, it is not enough in this computer age to excuse such poor work claiming 'we were overloaded'. You asked them to come.Can't you even administer their arrival and subsequent life properly?
What has the taxpayer been paying you all for, because - sure as Afghanistan is hell - we ain't been paying it to asylum seekers, have we ?
Every suicide on Swedish soil resulting from the emotional and psychological torture of young people
Every deportation to the universally accepted 'war zone' country of Afghanistan
is a nail in the coffin of Swedish integrity and expertise !
Who are these incompetent people in Migrationsverket who cannot:-
1.measure somebody correctly -
2. spell their name correctly -
3.try to tell us against all other factual evidence that Afghanistan is a safe place to return young people who came to Sweden at the invitation of the Swedish State?
There should be an inquiry into these abuses - and,NO, it is not enough in this computer age to excuse such poor work claiming 'we were overloaded'. You asked them to come.Can't you even administer their arrival and subsequent life properly?
What has the taxpayer been paying you all for, because - sure as Afghanistan is hell - we ain't been paying it to asylum seekers, have we ?
Every suicide on Swedish soil resulting from the emotional and psychological torture of young people
Every deportation to the universally accepted 'war zone' country of Afghanistan
is a nail in the coffin of Swedish integrity and expertise !
Sunday, August 26, 2018
click the link to go to the video
here's the main website link:
click the link to go to the video
here's the main website link:
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Clicking on the above picture takes you to a mini website that discusses whether Sweden knew, or should have known, that the invitation from TWO Swedish Prime Ministers (prior to November 2015) to asylum seekers from Afghanistan would be met with such a large response.
It appears Sweden wants the world to think it did not have any idea that so many young people would flock to a western democracy that previously had an excellent record for receiving immigrants and that invited them to come.
Check it out,please, and decide for yourself.
Wednesday, August 08, 2018
I am simply an observer, a lover of Sweden.
It seems to me a crisis point is close in Sweden-a watershed moment that decides what kind of society Sweden will be in the future in a way that has never been decided before.
In such a moment, a wise government leads and does not follow public opinion.Clearly, the move by S to more 'right wing policies on immigration' has substantially weakened their supporter base.Many former S supporters cannot equate Olof Palme's words on immigration to what has been happening to all who answered the invitation issued prior to 24 Nov 2015 and whom Sweden has subjected to bedrageri(a politicised judiciary), emotional and psychological torture.
So, I ask this S party of 2018, what have you got to lose by taking a principled position (and standing by the Swedish invitation) and announcing an amnesty? Do you think such a decision will cost you more voters or gain back voters who have deserted you?
Do you not now, as you did in 2016, think that cutting foreign aid budget payments abroad and spending it at home is not a smart policy? Didn't this 'spend at home' produce major benefits to the economy in 2015/6/7 (as stated by IMF, OECD,Bloombergs)
You have successfully stemmed the flood of immigrants to controllable levels (2017 being the lowest for 12 years) having dealt with the 2014/2015 surge that resulted from 'Open Heart' and 'Refugees welcome' speeches by 2 Swedish Prime Ministers (1 from M, 1 from S), but your insistence that Afghanistan is a 'safe' place is a PR disaster. It is costing you your own support base.
Clearly your 'marketing policy' has not enhanced your chances at the next election. It is in your hands to so crystalize the arguments as to lead Sweden forward into a re-awakening of traditional Swedish values of fairness and true justice. And, frankly, it doesn't look like you have anything to lose by doing so, according to recent opinion polls.
Pleeeez, lead...don't follow !
It seems to me a crisis point is close in Sweden-a watershed moment that decides what kind of society Sweden will be in the future in a way that has never been decided before.
In such a moment, a wise government leads and does not follow public opinion.Clearly, the move by S to more 'right wing policies on immigration' has substantially weakened their supporter base.Many former S supporters cannot equate Olof Palme's words on immigration to what has been happening to all who answered the invitation issued prior to 24 Nov 2015 and whom Sweden has subjected to bedrageri(a politicised judiciary), emotional and psychological torture.
So, I ask this S party of 2018, what have you got to lose by taking a principled position (and standing by the Swedish invitation) and announcing an amnesty? Do you think such a decision will cost you more voters or gain back voters who have deserted you?
Do you not now, as you did in 2016, think that cutting foreign aid budget payments abroad and spending it at home is not a smart policy? Didn't this 'spend at home' produce major benefits to the economy in 2015/6/7 (as stated by IMF, OECD,Bloombergs)
You have successfully stemmed the flood of immigrants to controllable levels (2017 being the lowest for 12 years) having dealt with the 2014/2015 surge that resulted from 'Open Heart' and 'Refugees welcome' speeches by 2 Swedish Prime Ministers (1 from M, 1 from S), but your insistence that Afghanistan is a 'safe' place is a PR disaster. It is costing you your own support base.
Clearly your 'marketing policy' has not enhanced your chances at the next election. It is in your hands to so crystalize the arguments as to lead Sweden forward into a re-awakening of traditional Swedish values of fairness and true justice. And, frankly, it doesn't look like you have anything to lose by doing so, according to recent opinion polls.
Pleeeez, lead...don't follow !
Monday, July 30, 2018
In Memorium - A
Oh how great is thy burden, beloved Sweden. How great the price that is paid for your false words 'open heart', 'refugees welcome'.
RIP trusting, believing A.
Sunday, July 22, 2018
beastly beauty
and I bet you think this is 'fake news', huh? Because, after all, Sweden is a wonderful modern caring society.
But if you care to check further on this blog - or visit
you will see there is nothing fake about what I write here.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
killer fiasco
this fiasco in absurdistan (Sweden) costs lives!
as a Swede, are you not ashamed?
Anyone would think we were talking about an uncontrolled flood...whereas the truth is that last year (2017) saw the lowest refugees input in Sweden for...wait for it...12 years ! (Migrationsverket statistics)
posted with the kind permission of Maria Robsahm
Saturday, June 30, 2018
another 13 months of torture
So, with much publicity, the new law affecting 9000 young 'asylum seekers' (most of whom qualify under all the conventions agreed by Sweden since 1951) comes into force on the 1st July 2018.
As with the 'new law to solve the problem' in June 2017, this one is also simply a temporary plaster
over a self inflicted political wound.Remember, Sweden's 2 Prime Ministers invited these young people to come to Sweden with promises that they would be welcome!
This law does not give amnesty or permanent residency to all those who have been subjected to over 2 years of psychological and emotional torture by a system that is afraid even to keep full verbatim court records of what happens in Migration Courts - and the accusations and opinions that are used within those courts, even though they lack any truth or any evidence.
This new law gives a 13 month extension of torture and insecurity, after which the asylum seeker may apply long as the Migration Agency has decided that it is politically inconvenient to practice refoulement (since Afghanistan is not regarded by most as a 'safe place' it is by the Swedish Migration Agency). After the 13 month period, the Migration Agency will decide if the permission can be extended.
Based on the evidences in my possession about the incorrect/incompetent and/or deceitful behaviour of the Migration Agency in the past 2.5 years, I would not have them decide for me what breakfast cereal is best !!! (they cannot even measure someone's height correctly...making a 15 year old 10cms higher than he actually was...and 2 years later is still not as high as he was measured).
In other words, this new law has nothing to do with asylum seekers....and everything to do with postponing any REAL DECISION until after the national elections in September.
source of data on the new 1st July law:
As with the 'new law to solve the problem' in June 2017, this one is also simply a temporary plaster
over a self inflicted political wound.Remember, Sweden's 2 Prime Ministers invited these young people to come to Sweden with promises that they would be welcome!
This law does not give amnesty or permanent residency to all those who have been subjected to over 2 years of psychological and emotional torture by a system that is afraid even to keep full verbatim court records of what happens in Migration Courts - and the accusations and opinions that are used within those courts, even though they lack any truth or any evidence.
This new law gives a 13 month extension of torture and insecurity, after which the asylum seeker may apply long as the Migration Agency has decided that it is politically inconvenient to practice refoulement (since Afghanistan is not regarded by most as a 'safe place' it is by the Swedish Migration Agency). After the 13 month period, the Migration Agency will decide if the permission can be extended.
Based on the evidences in my possession about the incorrect/incompetent and/or deceitful behaviour of the Migration Agency in the past 2.5 years, I would not have them decide for me what breakfast cereal is best !!! (they cannot even measure someone's height correctly...making a 15 year old 10cms higher than he actually was...and 2 years later is still not as high as he was measured).
In other words, this new law has nothing to do with asylum seekers....and everything to do with postponing any REAL DECISION until after the national elections in September.
source of data on the new 1st July law:
Friday, June 29, 2018
The actual score in Europe
and when you look at the perversion of legal system here in Sweden, you can understand why this figure is so disgraceful.
check out some examples here:
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Thursday, June 14, 2018
civilised law - European Court of Human Rights
A lesson in law for Sweden and about it's (so far ignored) obligations under EU law, from the European Court of Human Rights
case ref:
case ref:
even lambs are not silent
when a ‘legal decision’ is not evidence based it has lost it’s authority.
Sweden needs to correct this failure in it’s 'justice’ system.
Friday, June 08, 2018
What are you afraid of, Sweden...the truth ????
perhaps there are things happening in these courts that cast a very poor light on the so-called 'Justice System' in what was previously considered a modern western democracy.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
the real twist on that 'care and support' spin !
According to the statistics issued by the Swedish Migration Agency, it appears the 'flood' of refugees has been such a level that 2017 was the lowest 'input' for 12 years.
Who would ever have believed that by listening to M and SD talking...or even S - trying to get votes for the next election ?
In other words, this whole 'refugee ' thing - which surged in 2014 + 2015 as a result of 2 Prime Ministers inviting refugees here - is now being used to divert people's attention and/or blame the shortcomings of other policies upon immigrants.
Worth reminding ourselves that a lot of our TAX money from Foreign Aid budgets was withdrawn to be spent 'at home in Sweden' to enrich our society,kommunes, businesses,schools, swedish jobs....under the excuse of providing 'care and support' for immigrants.
I say 'excuse' because as soon as the economic effects within the country have produced good GDP figures and lowered Swedish unemployment...Sweden cannot wait to throw young people out, even back to internationally recognised war zones in breach of Swedish promises about refoulement since 1951.
So, can someone please tell me (you'll find an email address shown below on this blog) is there so much difference between this behaviour and the slave trade ? Both torture and abuse, both deprive a person of their human rights (like the right to a fair trial), both demonstrate a level of cynicism and depravity (how can you possibly call Afghanistan 'safe' ?.... that's depraved!) and both place a stain upon a society that remains for decades.
posted with the kind permission of Maria Robsahm
Who would ever have believed that by listening to M and SD talking...or even S - trying to get votes for the next election ?
In other words, this whole 'refugee ' thing - which surged in 2014 + 2015 as a result of 2 Prime Ministers inviting refugees here - is now being used to divert people's attention and/or blame the shortcomings of other policies upon immigrants.
Worth reminding ourselves that a lot of our TAX money from Foreign Aid budgets was withdrawn to be spent 'at home in Sweden' to enrich our society,kommunes, businesses,schools, swedish jobs....under the excuse of providing 'care and support' for immigrants.
I say 'excuse' because as soon as the economic effects within the country have produced good GDP figures and lowered Swedish unemployment...Sweden cannot wait to throw young people out, even back to internationally recognised war zones in breach of Swedish promises about refoulement since 1951.
So, can someone please tell me (you'll find an email address shown below on this blog) is there so much difference between this behaviour and the slave trade ? Both torture and abuse, both deprive a person of their human rights (like the right to a fair trial), both demonstrate a level of cynicism and depravity (how can you possibly call Afghanistan 'safe' ?.... that's depraved!) and both place a stain upon a society that remains for decades.
posted with the kind permission of Maria Robsahm
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Now, that looks familiar...huh?
This is actually a threat to ALL Swedes.
When the fundamentals of law are compromised by political agendas, all of us are at risk.
And is this is the scenario now,
imagine if a racist fascist right wing government took over !
if there is no war in Afghanistan, then why this
(click on the text above to view larger)
Perhaps the Migration Agency doesn't read what it's own government is doing, huh?
smart enough? är du smart nog?
to join the dots and see the truth about the benefits to Sweden the asylum surge brought
att gå med i prickarna och se sanningen
A smart person does not buy into the scare tactics of vote seeking politicians who want to make scapegoats of people YOU INVITED TO SWEDEN.
Is this the new meaning of 'Swedish hospitality' ?'
att gå med i prickarna och se sanningen
A smart person does not buy into the scare tactics of vote seeking politicians who want to make scapegoats of people YOU INVITED TO SWEDEN.
Is this the new meaning of 'Swedish hospitality' ?'
all that jobs scare talk
source: Radio Sweden week 20
So what is all this talk about young asylum seekers 'stealing swedish jobs?'
Sweden, according to your own government statistics - is suffering a labour shortage !
Monday, May 21, 2018
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
a bottomless pit of cynicism and hypocrisy
Some appalling things have been happening,done in the Name of Sweden and the Swedish people. This case is so against anything I have ever understood to be Swedish and Swedish values, that I cannot believe this is what the majority of the Swedish people want. There comes a point where it is necessary to say - with massive silent protest on the streets - this is not US, this is not who we are ! (item in Swedish and english).
Where are the politicians with principles in modern Sweden ? A far cry from Olof Palme ! As for 'open hearts' the hearts that are open here are so because they are broken! As for 'refugees welcome' - words without actions are simply worthless. If these 3 children don't deserve our compassion, if these 3 children don't deserve our protection - then heaven helps us because we have fallen into a bottomless pit of cynicism and hypocrisy.
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