Saturday, June 30, 2018

another 13 months of torture

So, with much publicity, the new law affecting 9000 young 'asylum seekers' (most of whom qualify under all the conventions agreed by Sweden since 1951) comes into force on the 1st July 2018.

As with the 'new law to solve the problem' in June 2017, this one is also simply a temporary plaster
over a self inflicted political wound.Remember, Sweden's 2 Prime Ministers invited these young people to come to Sweden with promises that they would be welcome! 

This law does not give amnesty or permanent residency to all those who have been subjected to over 2 years of psychological and emotional torture by a system that is afraid even to keep full verbatim court records of what happens in Migration Courts - and the accusations and opinions that are used within those courts, even though they lack any truth or any evidence.

This new law gives a 13 month extension of torture and insecurity, after which the asylum seeker may apply long as the Migration Agency has decided that it is politically inconvenient to practice refoulement (since Afghanistan is not regarded by most as a 'safe place' it is by the Swedish Migration Agency). After the 13 month period, the Migration Agency will decide if the permission can be extended.

Based on the evidences in my possession about the incorrect/incompetent  and/or deceitful behaviour of the Migration Agency in the past 2.5 years, I would not have them decide for me what breakfast cereal is best !!! (they cannot even measure someone's height correctly...making a 15 year old 10cms higher than he actually was...and 2 years later is still not as high as he was measured).

In other words, this new law has nothing to do with asylum seekers....and everything to do with postponing any REAL DECISION until after the national elections in September.

source of data on the new 1st July law:

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