Saturday, July 31, 2010

coffee expertise….part 1

Ok. So you go to get a cup of coffee. You can pay anything from SeK 15 and upwards.

It can often be the case that:

1. The coffee stands in a glass jug on a warmer….where it has stood for an hour or more.

2. the taste is…erhmmm…well….. wet, that's about all that's worth saying about it

3. It has also been pre-cooled so it doesn't burn your mouth…by accident. This is really a way of saying that it has been standing in the jug for so long it is  only lukewarm.

4. It is only the price label that identifies this as coffee…the colour, taste and acidity really indicate that this was a product not worth the buying.

5. The blend is anonymous and after it's mistreatment in the jug it prefers to remain unidentifiable.


So, when you get a coffee do you get what I get…an extraordinarily excellent coffee experience that tells me that the 'ordinary things of life' can be super-extraordinary.


This is what I get at Camera IT – in Bengtsfors. My local Internet Cafe where our two coffee experts enhance our lives.

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