Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Great Disappointment

 In fear of a power loss to a small minority of xenophobic politicians, centre left politics have moved more to the right in many countries in Europe.

The main horse cart used to effect this ‘slide on ice’ has been the subject of immigration.


Despite more than 80% of Swedes NOT having deep prejudice towards asylum seekers from war torn lands, Swedish politics has moved more and more to disgrace the reputation of Sweden as a caring and compassionate society.(the Red Cross, Save the Children and the Church of Sweden commissioned a survey by Novus,in August.74 percent say yes to children who have lived in Sweden for several years and learned Swedish and should have an opportunity to stay here. Only 14 percent say no)


 ‘Open Hearts’ and ‘No walls’ speeches from Prime Ministers, that were interpreted by non-swedish speakers worldwide as invitations to come to Sweden soon morphed into panic modes that produced new ‘pseudo laws’ and restrictions.These were followed by condemnations from Sweden’s own Higher Courts and from the European Court of Human Rights about the lack of modern and honest legal practices within Swedish ‘migration’ courts. The ‘asylum scandal’ has shown the appalling shortcomings of an outdated legal system and a horrific 3rd world standard of juris prudence in Sweden..


Buried within all this has been the economic facts, often grossly distorted by xenophobic minions screaming like alley cats. Facts that clearly demonstrate the ‘asylum surge’ of 2015 was a direct financial benefit to countries like Sweden and Germany.

When Angela Merkel said ‘ Wir schaffen das’ (we’ll manage this), she - along with Messrs Reinfeldt and Lofven - understood the financial implications. In Germany, more than half the 1.7 million asylum seekers who came between 2015 and 2019 are now working and paying taxes.


In Sweden both Prime Ministers understood the mechanism of utilising asylum seekers as a means of recovering vast amounts of money from Foreign Aid to spend at home and also understood the effect on rural areas of such an injection of money and resources(figures suggest as much as 30% of Foreign Aid was ‘clawed back’ to be spent on refugees in Sweden in 2016.In 2013 this amount was 18%-OECD figure).


Peo Hansen (Professor of Political Science,Linkoping Universitet) reminds us of the true cost of migration policy when he points out that in the years 2016 and 2017, when the government paid out the most money for asylum seekers costs,there was a large surplus in tax intake, the largest for decades.(see also ).

In August 2021 this SURPLUS was 43 Billion.


The OECD and many other leading, reputable sources, confirm that the so called ‘asylum surge’ of 2015 was a direct and substantial financial benefit to Sweden’s economy.

Just ask yourself, when in the last 20 years have Kommunes up and down this country been in surplus the most? The answer refutes the words of xenophobic politicians.


Having used extremely questionable legal,moral and economic tactics to drive asylum seekers out and into other EU lands (Germany and France for example who generally would not practice forced deportations) Sweden is still left with around 9000 asylum seekers who ‘live in the shadows’.Asylum seekers who went to Swedish schools.Asylum seekers who learnt Swedish.Asylum seekers who are not recognised in the society and who are not even allowed to find work to support themselves.Asylum seekers where the Swedish taxpayer has invested tens of thousands of SeK so that they could repay taxes in the future and contribute to even more tax surplus.


Thankfully there are many ‘true Swedes’ who help and support these that 'this un-Swedish system' has created as 'sub-human' (remember, we have heard that before in Europe!).

But there can be no denying that the current attitudes of leading Swedish politicians is........a great Swedes who value their country’s reputation and dignity.

Real Swedes have 9000 heart-breaaking reasons to be angry,huh?

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