Sunday, May 13, 2018

court in the act - or - caught in the act

and if you need help, consider these facts:

1. The Migration Agency can say whatever they want in the Migration 'Court' - and do not need any evidence to support their accusations.

2. They can make a 'fraudulent misrepresentation' (bedrageri) even when they do know some of the facts

3. The Swedish Government does NOT keep a verbatim record of that 'court' and all that was said so no lawyer can present evidence to dispute accusations and falsehoods that were made - but not recorded - at a higher appeal 'court'

This therefore means an appeal is a meaningless exercise and that the taxpayer has paid for all the costs of a 'court' that is not, by modern western standards, actually a court. Indeed, it most closely resembles a Taliban court !

Now..there's some thoughts for Swedes to contemplate when they speak about 'justice and fair play'

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