Tuesday, February 06, 2018

traditional values

This WAS the Sweden the world respected. It had principles and principles have a price. So for those who think that ‘ensomkommande barn’ who came before November 24 2015 have been costing too much, you should check out where the money came from and where it went. A lot of it came from Overseas Aid funds you were already paying. Most of it recycled into the Swedish economy via Kommunes, lower unemployment, lawyers, courts, businesses that offered extra services and goods. It was a case of principles that paid well to the society and substantially increased the GDP of the country.

click the pic to see the video of a real Swede.


Those principles should not be allowed to be compromised by a faulty system. The Social Democratic Party of today would be wise to establish a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the breaches of rules and laws that have given rise to many unjust and unfair decisions affecting the lives of young people who believed the promise Sweden gave.

Manipulated REFOULEMENT is an offence against traditional Swedish values and is costing the Social Democrat party of today many of it’s supporters.

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