Tuesday, December 19, 2017

I weep for Sweden

There are two groups of people who know the young unaccompanied asylum seekers best. Most of whom came before Nov 2015 and a large proportion from the ‘safe’ country (according to Migrationsverket.but not the US Congress,CIA, United Nations, International Red Cross..and just about everyone else who is not playing politics but facing reality) of Afghanistan.

The two groups who know them best?

Fellow pupils at school

Teachers at school.

Both these groups plead with the present government…and all the decent political parties…..to STOP THIS INHUMANE torture of young people, threatening with a form of ‘imprisonment’, removing freedoms, treating young people as though they are criminals, simply because they BELIEVED SWEDEN’S PROMISES of the ‘open heart policy’. Simply because they risked all manner of hazards to arrive in a country that talked of peace, democracy, justice.

Keeping them on ‘death’s row’ for months awaiting a decision as to whether they will be deported back to hell!  A decision claimed to be made by a court. A court that by any reasonable definition of Juris Prudence can only be adequately described as a ‘kangaroo court’ that is a disgrace to Swedish standards of justice.

Oh, my beloved Sweden, how great is your fall, how profound your loss of integrity. How such a betrayal of traditional Swedish values can occur at this time is a travesty of decency!

Oh, my beloved Sweden…I weep with angry tears at this scenario

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