Saturday, December 02, 2017

how to lose respect…

ScD - MP S window dressing

actually, it is neither party who have won out. Both have agreed to another ‘window dressing operation’ that is effectively meaningless to most indisputably under-18’s who came here prior to November 2015, believing the promises of the Swedish government and people. This proposal is essentially the July 2017 law V.2, except that the 2017 law did not seem to apply to Afghans because ‘’Afghanistan has safe areas’ so the Migration Agency held.

Great that better border controls are now in place and other European countries will be accepting a fair share quota system for these asylum seekers in the future. Fantastic that Sweden has spent billions in Afghanistan since 2001 to try and build a viable nation there (with very little result).  Great that the Swedish taxpayer has invested in these young people (though most of that investment actually went back into Swedish pockets) *, not so great that deportations, arrests and ‘imprisonments in holding centres’ will still continue. Yes, deportations to the violently sick land of Afghanistan that the Migration Agency still considers to be a safe place!

And this proposed new law  will not come into effect until the summer of 2018. This is effectively a continued ‘prison sentence’ for those who have had any semblance of freedom taken away whilst in Sweden and risk arrest and deportation. But hey, this might be good training for when they get back to Afghanistan, for it’s pretty similar there thanks to the Taliban, huh?

* We were approached a number of times in 2016 to use our studio building to house asylum seekers. The amount offered was in excess of SeK. 1600,- per day per person. So just guess how much Kommunes, private businesses, have been receiving.

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