Friday, July 02, 2010

they who serve…

In the latest recognition of human rights, Sweden has finally agreed to end the 'enslavement of conscription' to the armed services and it officially finished yesterday. You know, that system where young people are drafted to 'serve their country' and in return are paid a pittance per day – was it really only Sek 50 or Sek 100 ?



Of course there will be those who will try and claim that 'discipline was taught' during conscription to which I would respond that during the whole of my life I could always identify a 'workmate' who had been on 'National Service'. They were expert at appearing busy…but not doing much!

A professional, properly paid armed service attracts the people who really care about serving and to whom the nation gives proper respect by providing proper conditions and pay.

I don't think that the 'professional armed services' in the UK have sacrificed any admiration in the world…rather they have enhanced the reputation of the armed services in both wartime and peacekeeping roles…as well as rescue services. The UK formerly abolished conscription on 31 st December 1960… that's 50 years ago almost.

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