Wednesday, January 20, 2010

what? no snow either?

Ok, driving in snow can be…hmmm..hazardous. Ice and snow make for unpredictable conditions.

Modern tyres, especially the dubb dek (pigdekk,spiked tyres) we use in winter in Sweden – which I love – make it so much easier.

I even feel safer in my cars in the winter with dubbdek than I do in the summer when it's been raining with my summer tyres.


But, roads are only part of the hazards for a driver. PARKING, especially in the bigger cities, can be an expensive business – and frustrating.

You think you have found a good parking spot, only to see some piece of paper waving happily to you from your windscreen when you return. You look around and see that a sign which definitely was not there when you arrived, has now miraculously grown out of the pavement. Wish I could get some of the fertiliser they use to achieve that, it would really improve the plants in my garden.

But, well, even that pales into insignificance compared with this……..


I'm still trying to figure out how you actually do this. Is it kind of a situation where the car has too much testosterone or what?


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