The competition is getting hot so it is hoped Volvo can come up with some startling technology
to maintain Volvo's position in the market
But a car that runs on AIR…… well, it's here now…
The competition is getting hot so it is hoped Volvo can come up with some startling technology
to maintain Volvo's position in the market
But a car that runs on AIR…… well, it's here now…
Ah, that's better – it's much warmer now, only MINUS 17.4 C in
the middle of the day!!!
It went down to MINUS 21.9 during the night. Since our water
is driven by our own pumps and there is not enough snow yet
(we have 30 cms) it's necessary to keep running the water every
few hours to avoid freezing when it's that low a temperature.
(the upper temperature reading is outside, the lower is inside)
However, our problems are as nothing compared with the wild life.
It appears this animal is perfectly willing to behave like a bird in these
conditions. Amazing how any of them survive such cold.
It's a cute little thing and doesn't seem to mind having it's picture taken from just a few metres away.
So please don't forget to let these have a chance at staying alive by putting out food
picture via
It is well for us all to remember that the vast majority of Western-based Muslims are
as horrified by this development as we are. It would be good to know how many
innocent Muslims were actually in Drottninggatan at or around that time.
The fact that a so –called Jidadist website web-site claims the 'lone'(?) bomber was
acting on behalf of Al-Quaeda is simply that – a claim. It appears the man so far
identified was also of exceptionally high moral and religious character – married
with 2 children he nevertheless was to be found on the ' Muslima dating website'.
So, just to be sure we understand, the Q'ran expressly forbids the murder of innocents.
This was no more a religious act than climbing everest proves the world is flat.
The actions of an emotionally or psychologically disoriented individual do not
represent any recognisable tenets of a true religion – if those actions are without
love, they have nothing to do with God.
"Based on this Wikileaks information, Sweden should not only withdraw it's charges
against Assange (unless they really, really have excellent evidence) and furthermore
should give him honorary citizenship.
Wikileaks have performed a most valuable task in these revelations showing clearly
that it's not always the best product that wins".
2 days ago there was no ice on the lake (except at the very end),
but –15.9 C last night was enough to do it..
Just in case you are having a bad day…..
have some sympathy for these folk
compilation thanks to
Which reminds me about winter sports in Sweden…watch out for this one…
a little snowstorm. Well that's not such a problem….BUT…. that very strong cold wind say….stay inside, hehehehe
just the sort of conditions for 'travelling to the sun' feelings…
so here we go, Hawaii, where a young boy awaits to entertain you and warm your heart…
get this!
AND there's more….
Uploaded the picture below and that seems to work ok.
The mystery of all the missing pictures deepens
I am waiting for answers from Google/Picasa about the missing pictures
I have been made aware that most of the pictures on this blog have suddenly disappeared…
the matter is being investigated
Nordic neighbours Denmark, Norway and Finland came in second, fourth and sixth respectively
in the 2010 Commitment to Development Index (CDI), an annual ranking compiled by the Washington,
DC-based Center for Global Development (CGD) think tank released last week ahead of the ongoing
Couldn't resist glimpsing the future of elk-hunting.
Holographic elks maybe?
Check this out for Hologram live, sold-out, pop concert….
We had our first snow on 22nd October and then it went away again after a few hours.
Today we got a real snowstorm with some high winds and continuous snow which is forecast to continue for the next 24 hours
This is a radar image from of the snow across Scandinavia, The lighter the colour, the lighter the snowfall
A couple of years ago on my other blog I did an item about Duck Rolling
well, here's the DUCK SAUCE (Barbra Streisand) recipe to go with it….
Usually, when this blog goes quiet, I am either travelling away or very occupied with a building project.
In this case it is the latter,
This re-modelling is in progress with the new upper windows installed this last week and the
outer re-panelling to the upper section pressing ahead.
I was hoping the milder weather would hold for a few more days – but it looks like I shall
have to do the 'eccentric englishman thing again' and be panelling even as it's snowing.
A scenario that always attracts good humoured attention from the indigenous population
After the entry on this blog satirising the lack of laws preventing texting whilst driving in Sweden
I must say that it was with joy that I read:
and just in case you think I am a little unhelpful or lacking in understanding of the
huge priority of instant communication to discuss last night's tv prog, someone's sexy legs,
the other items needed from the supermarket, the fact that you're late because you are
so bad at time-management……etc.etc, well take a look at this reconstruction of
a real event (you are advised to be 18+ to view)
The difference between an employee and an employer, a clerk or a manager, a teaboy or an executive,
is fairly simple, or so I was taught.The executive/manager/employer deals with things
when he/she chooses to do so – not when others express the need!
However did we use to manage before some smart person invented carrier pigeons…….
The Swedish embassy has been named as the best embassy in Washington DC by the readers of the Washington Post newspaper, by virtue of its design and programme of events.
Yep…it's potato day today.
Jonas Alströmer planted the first potato in Sweden in 1723
He planted it in Alingsås which now has an international potato academy, "Academia Solanum Tuberosum"
"In The 18th century, Linnaeus, had counselled against the introduction of the potato into Sweden as food, because of its potential toxicity, later confirmed when the neurotoxicity of solanene in green potatoes was appreciated. Linnaeus's concern proved correct in another way as with the introduction of the potato, the Swedish population exploded. Farms were able to produce many more calories of food per hectare than had previously been the case and so larger families could initially be accommodated on the same farm. But balance between population and food production was not achieved and, during the latter part of the 19th century, one quarter of the Swedish population, one million out of four million emigrated, principally to North America." via
The Bathtub Test
During a visit to my doctor yesterday, I asked him, "How do you determine
whether an older person should be put in an assisted living home?"
He said, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup
and a bucket to the person to empty the bathtub."
"Oh, I understand," I said. "A normal person would use the bucket because
it is bigger than the spoon or the teacup."
"No" he said. "A normal person would pull the plug.... Do you want a bed
near the window?"(…thx Colin)
Lewis Hamilton is still in with a chance…still 50 points to play for and now the engines start to fail, as it did with poor Sebastian Vettel.
It seems good driving is also about protecting your car and taking care not to go over the limits.
Alexander Klose, head of Volvo Cars China, made the comments at a trade show in the northern city of Tianjin, according to the official Xinhua news agency.
He said sales of the Swedish brand's vehicles had soared in the world's largest auto market in 2010.
"As of the end of September, Volvo's global sales volume was up 12.5 percent year-on-year, compared with a 52 percent year-on-year rise in China," he was quoted as saying.
There will probably be those who will doom-say that this is bad news…no Swedish jobs in China, etc.etc. BUT, new investment and the dynamics of new larger sales will all have a 'knock-on' effect to revitalise the brand, introduce new models, recapitalise the company at home and abroad.
Li Shufu is a remarkable man. If anyone knows how to 'raise the Phoenix' against all odds, it's this guy. He started his first PRIVATE (Geely is not state owned) company in 1984 with just 2,000 yuan (about $250)….more biography here.
It is my personal view that Geely and Volvo will be a phenomenal success, both in Sweden and in China (as well as the rest of the world)
Ok. So let’s be fair about this – I have never owned a Saab but have on a number of occasions rented or used one.Cars are tremendously personal things: they are style statements, they are social status statements, they denote a certain attitude to life. With this in mind I am not embarrassed to say that I am not exactly a fan. I just never really ‘switched on to Saab’. On the occasions when I did drive a Saab in recent years I was extremely frustrated by a somewhat small rear window, which neither from an aesthetics viewpoint (ooops a pun) nor a safety one inspired me. Indeed, it probably affected my whole attitude to the car.
Despite this I do have a lot of respect for Saab and accordingly wish them well with their new model